Resources to Help You Manage Your Money
Personal Finance Challenges Only Women Face
Women face a number of personal finance challenges that men do not. Here are six ways in which it is harder for women when it comes to managing their finances and building wealth.
Free or Cheap Summer Activities for Kids and Families
Looking for free summer activities for kids and families? Check out this list of free or cheap inexpensive summer activities so you can have fun without breaking your budget.
5 Common Retirement Savings Mistakes
Saving for retirement can be tricky. Learn the top 5 mistakes people make when it comes to saving for retirement with a 401k, IRA, Roth IRA and more. Plus, get tips on how to fix them and resources to learn more. Before you know it, you’ll be a retirement savings pro!
Bitcoin, Crypto, and More: What Regular People Need to Know
Wondering what to think about bitcoin, crypto, and the blockchain? Learn what some of the terms mean, what cryptocurrencies are, and how they can be used. We often hear crazy stories on these topics in the media, but this article will give regular people a more balanced overview of the world of bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, and all that it entails.
29 Sustainable Living Tips to Help You Go Green, Reduce Waste, and Save Money
Did you know that sustainable living has the added benefit of helping you save money? Consuming less helps the environment and costs less as well. Here are some sustainable living tips to help you get started toward your zero-waste, eco-friendly, and more frugal lifestyle.
How to Decide Where to Open a Roth IRA
If you’ve been thinking about opening a Roth IRA, but haven’t because you’re wondering WHERE to open a Roth IRA, this article is for you. Learn what things you should consider and why deciding where to open a Roth IRA isn’t as important as just getting started.
Should you carry a balance to build credit?
Discover the truth about credit card balances and credit scores. Learn why carrying a balance does not help build credit and get practical tips to improve your credit score by paying in full, maintaining a low credit utilization rate, and avoiding common credit card myths. Take control of your financial future with expert advice on building credit responsibly.ny people mistakenly believe that carrying a balance on your credit card is good for your credit. Find out why that’s not true and what you can do instead to increase your credit score.
How to Keep Yourself Out of Debt
Staying out of debt comes down to spending less than you earn and planning for the future, but we all know it’s not always that easy. Here are a few tangible things you can do to keep yourself out of debt.
Budget Travel Tips and Tricks: How to Save Money on Travel and Still Have Fun
Learn how to save money on travel with these 23 budget travel tips and tricks. Find ways to reduce costs, find great deals, choose your dates wisely, spend less on food and activities, and more.
10 Ways to Save Money on Gas
With gas prices on the rise, you might be wondering how you can avoid the pain at the pump. Here are 10 tips to help you save money on gas.
Should I pay off my student loans or save for retirement?
Wondering if you should pay off your student loans or save for retirement? It’s actually possible to do both. Follow these tips for figuring out how to get started so you can pay off your student loans and save for retirement at the same time!
What to Do When Your Investments Take a Nosedive
Watching your investments lose value is hard for even the most experienced investors. The key is to adopt the right mindset. Here are some tips to help you mentally weather the storm when your investment portfolio takes a hit.
Should You Rent or Buy?
Should you rent or buy a home? When deciding to rent vs. buy, it’s important to consider what is actually the best decision financially (based on pure numbers) in addition to what effect it has on your life. Here's what you should consider when trying to decide if you should rent or buy a home.
7 Practical Tips to Help You Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Changing your mindset around money is key to taking control of your finances and living an intentional life. Once you do that, it becomes a lot easier to stop overspending, save more, and achieve your financial and life goals.
This Money Mindset is Ruining Your Finances and Making You Unhappy—Here’s How to Change It
When we start comparing ourselves to others, we get into a trap where we want too many things. This often leads to overspending, debt, lack of savings, and most importantly, general unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.
Simple Rules for Managing Your Money and Living Your Best Life
Managing your money is actually quite simple, but there's so much information out there that it can be overwhelming to figure out what to do. That’s why I’ve put together this list of basic financial rules that can serve as a guide to your financial decision-making.
Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund, Bonus, Or Other “Extra” Money
Not sure how to use your tax refund, bonus, or other sum of money? It can be hard to figure out which of your financial priorities to do first. This article walks you through the process of deciding how to use extra money that comes your way.
Don’t Follow This Financial Advice if You Want to Love Your Life
Some financial advice just isn’t designed to help you live a life you truly love. So much of the financial advice being offered is purely about the numbers. But you are more than a set of numbers. You are a whole person with emotions, and values, and goals. You have a life to live.
How to Save More Money: 19 Ways to Find More Money in Your Budget
Need to reduce your expenses? Budgets are tight for many people right now, so you might be trying to find ways to save more money. Check out these 19 tips for finding extra money in your budget.
Roth IRAs for Beginners
Roth IRAs are a great way to save for retirement, whether you’re a beginner or you want to boost the amount you’re saving. Learn what a Roth IRA is, who is eligible, and how to know if it is right for you!