Free or Cheap Summer Activities for Kids and Families

summer fun on a budget

Summer can start to get expensive fast between working parents needing child care and stay-at-home parents needing activities to avoid going crazy. (Trust me, I’ve been there.) With the added challenge of rising prices, you might find yourself searching for free or cheap summer activities so that you can enjoy your summer without breaking your budget.

Here is a list of free or cheap summer activities that I’ve done with my kids.

Free or cheap summer activities

  1. Get a pass to nearby state parks and go exploring.

  2. Explore lesser known parks and trails near you (or go back to your favorites!).

  3. Roast hot dogs and marshmallows in the backyard or at a firepit in a park.

  4. Turn on the sprinkler.

  5. Go to the dollar store and get some water squirters.

  6. Make a scavenger hunt of things in your neighborhood. Include families in your area to share the fun.

  7. Draw pictures with chalk on the sidewalk.

  8. Make a backyard obstacle course.

  9. Time your kids to see how long it takes them to run, skip, or walk backwards around the house.

  10. Plant and tend a garden.

  11. Go for walks. Let your kids pick the route.

  12. Find a big parking lot of a school or something that is closed and let the kids bike or scooter.

  13. Play old-school games like Kick the Can, Capture the Flag, or Four Square.

  14. Have a dance party.

  15. Let the kids “camp” in a different room of the house.

  16. Build a fort.

  17. Find an online guide to animals or plants in your area and see how many you can find.

  18. Visit free museums in your area.

  19. Check with your local library and community education programs to see what options are being offered this summer.

  20. Write letters to friends and family.

  21. Have an ice cream taste testing.

  22. Get a projector and a white sheet and show movies outdoors. Invite neighbors or friends!

  23. Make popsicles, ice cream, or other cold treats.

  24. Have a picnic.

  25. Have game nights.

  26. Get an inexpensive inflatable pool.

  27. Collect sticks and build something.

  28. Give your children some cardboard boxes and other recycling and see what they can build.

  29. Choose a country or region, learn about it, and make a meal from that area.

  30. Pick a topic and spend the week learning about it in different ways (reading, art, experiments, videos, etc).

  31. Learn a new skill or language with free online resources.

  32. Cook or bake something that you normally buy.

  33. Draw, paint, color, sculpt.

  34. Make playdough.

  35. Find an online workout, dance, or yoga video for kids and do it with them.

  36. Practice ball handling skills: dribbling, shooting, kicking, catching, throwing, etc.

  37. Get new outdoor toys or equipment from Facebook Marketplace or local buy/sell groups.

  38. Search for free or cheap summer activities from rec centers, community ed, schools, etc.

  39. Plan day trips instead of long weekends to save on hotel costs.

  40. Have a backyard potluck.

  41. Take walks in a new neighborhood.

  42. Try geocaching.

  43. Search for free festivals near you.

  44. Find a Shakespeare in the Park performance.

  45. Go on an adventure on public transportation.

  46. Try a Citizen Science project.

  47. Go to the library and stock up on new books.

  48. Find free admission days to museums or other attractions.

  49. See if your library has a program where you can “check out” free or discounted tickets.

  50. Take courses through Khan Academy or other online learning platforms.

  51. Find art tutorials online and make things.

  52. Learn origami.

  53. Put on a play.

  54. Make a video.

  55. Go swimming at a free lake.

I’ve found that the more I plan free fun summer activities, the less time there is that needs to be filled with activities that cost money. There’s certainly nothing wrong with spending money on activities, but if you’re struggling with your budget, incorporating even just a few of these free or cheap summer activities can really help you stretch your dollars.

I hope you have a great summer!


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