29 Sustainable Living Tips to Help You Go Green, Reduce Waste, and Save Money
Did you know that sustainable living has the added benefit of helping you save money? Consuming less helps the environment and costs less as well. Here are some sustainable living tips to help you get started toward your zero-waste, eco-friendly, and more frugal lifestyle.
Image: @tbzr on Unsplash
Get a reusable water bottle and fill it from your tap
Turn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer
Drive less and stop idling your car
Make your coffee at home
Use beeswax wraps as an alternative to plastic wrap
Use cloth rags or special cleaning cloths instead of paper towels
Fill your herb and spice containers at a co-op
Use glass jars to store leftovers
Reduce food waste by buying the right amount and eating your leftovers
Buy higher quality clothes in timeless styles that won’t need to be thrown out as quickly.
Use homemade cleaner in a reusable spray bottle
Use cloth napkins and reusable snack bags
Choose Energy Star appliances that use less power
Buy used kids items
Swap clothes with friends
Get a home energy audit and make the recommended changes
Replace some or all of your yard with native plants that won’t need to be watered once established
Plant trees near your home
Live in a smaller home that is cheaper and uses less energy
Buy electric cars, or at least ones with better gas mileage
Bike and walk more
Be more intentional with what you buy
Grow your own vegetables in pots or your garden
Focus on relationships and experiences instead of things
Eat less meat
Use a rain barrel to water plants
Plan ahead and stock up to reduce trips to the grocery store
Give gifts of experiences instead of toys or things
Feel free to share these tips with others! When we all make small changes together, we can have a big impact.
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