Resources to Help You Manage Your Money

How to Keep Yourself Out of Debt
Staying out of debt comes down to spending less than you earn and planning for the future, but we all know it’s not always that easy. Here are a few tangible things you can do to keep yourself out of debt.

Debt Isn’t Always Bad
While many people get into trouble by taking on too much debt, that doesn’t mean that debt is always bad. Sometimes debt is necessary from a survival perspective and sometimes it makes a lot of sense from a strategic perspective. You have to look at your entire financial picture and make the decisions that are right for you.

Un-Affordable Health Care and Debilitating Medical Debt
Despite the best attempts of financial experts to convince you that your financial problems would go away if you just stopped buying lattes or using credit cards, the biggest cause of financial distress is not something you can control: medical costs.