Resources to Help You Manage Your Money
Take Control of Your Finances: 7 Money Tips for Women+
Take control of your financial future with these seven essential money tips for women. Learn how to manage your money, protect your assets, and build wealth at any stage of life. From budgeting to investing, this comprehensive guide will help you achieve financial independence and secure your financial well-being.
How to Protect Yourself Financially From Divorce
Most of us don’t like to think about the possibility of divorce, but the truth is that many of us will experience it at some point. Because of this risk, it’s important to learn how to protect yourself financially from divorce by following these ten tips. Even if you never end up getting a divorce, these tips will help you build a solid financial foundation that will serve you well in other areas of life.
Learn to Delay Gratification So You Can Spend Less and Save More Money
Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward. It is a powerful skill that can help people achieve long-term goals and be more successful in life. In essence, it is having the discipline to put off something that you want now for something that you want even more in the future. Learn to delay gratification using these strategies.
CDs vs High Yield Savings Accounts: Which Is Better?
Discover the pros and cons of CDs vs high yield savings accounts to find out which one is right for your financial goals. Learn which is right for you with this in-depth guide!
It’s Not Too Late to Start Saving for Retirement: Here's How to Get Started
Worried it’s too late to save for retirement? While saving for retirement is easier when you start earlier in life, you can certainly still do it. Here are some tips to get you started on saving for retirement no matter what your age. Get started today!
A Complete Guide to Your Credit Score
Get your credit score questions answered! Learn why a credit score is important, the difference between a credit score versus a credit report, how a credit score is determined and the most important credit score factors.
Should you build an emergency fund or pay off debt?
Should you build an emergency fund or pay off debt first? Learn how to balance saving for unexpected expenses with paying down debt. This guide helps you prioritize based on your financial situation, whether you're dealing with high-interest debt or low-interest loans. Protect yourself from financial setbacks and achieve debt-free living.
How to Calculate Your Net Worth
Ready to become debt free, build wealth, and achieve your money goals? Calculating and tracking your net worth can help you achieve your financial goals. Learn more about what net worth is, how it helps, and how you can track it.
You Should Always Be Saving for These Non-Monthly Expenses
One of the hardest things in budgeting is planning for all of those expenses that don’t show up every single month. A monthly expense is easy because it’s always on your radar and you know to expect it. But when expenses occur once per year or sporadically, budget planning becomes more of a challenge. Here are 14 expenses that you should always be saving for.
Should You Use Buy Now Pay Later Programs Such As Affirm, Klarna, or Afterpay?
Buy now pay later programs such as Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay have seen a sharp increase in use over the past year or so. But are they a good idea? It’s important to understand the risks of using buy now pay later before you get into the habit of using them.
Need to Stop Spending Money? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Purchase
Do you feel like you need to stop spending money? Figuring out when you can and cannot buy something is one of the hardest parts of personal finance on a day to day basis. When it comes to making a significant purchase, asking yourself these seven questions can help you decide if the purchase makes sense for you.
How to Start Building an Emergency Fund When You Have No Money
Building an emergency fund when you have no money can feel extremely daunting and overwhelming, but it can be done. These four tips will help you start building an emergency fund so that you can stop relying on your credit cards every time something happens and start finally getting ahead.
What’s Holding You Back from Taking Control of Your Money?
Are you someone who wants to improve your finances, but for some reason you just can’t make it happen? Maybe you want to start a budget, get out of debt, save money, or something else, but it feels too hard or you never have time. It turns out that managing money is actually a lot of managing emotions. You need to change your mindset. Here are several ways your mind is holding you back from creating the change you desperately want.
Financial Advice on Social Media: How to Know If It’s Good or Not
Money management advice has become more accessible than ever with the rise of financial influencers on social media. But like anything, there’s good advice and bad advice. So how do you know which financial advice to follow and trust? Here are a few personal finance tips that might help.
How to Combine Finances in Marriage and Other Committed Relationships
Wondering how to combine your finances after marriage or moving in together? This guide gives you an overview of four options for combining finances, from merging everything to keeping it all separate, and options in between.
Are We Living in a Recession?
Are we living in a recession? What determines if we are in a recession? These questions and more are at the top of our minds right now. Learn how to determine if we are in a recession, and more importantly, what you should be doing with your finances to prepare for or respond to a recession.
Live Within Your Means: Get Ahead, Build Wealth, and Live a Life You Love
Learning to live within your means is one of the most basic personal finance principles that you need to know. Learn what it means to live within your means, how to get started, and why it sometimes feels so hard.
7 Basic Money Management Skills Everyone Needs to Master
While many people believe that they are “just bad with money,” in reality, money management skills are something you can learn and improve through practice. So even if you have no idea what you’re doing and are afraid to look at your bank account balance, there is hope. Here are seven money management skills you need to have to start getting ahead and live your best life.
How to Budget for Irregular Expenses Using Sinking Funds
Learning how to budget for irregular expenses gets much easier when you use sinking funds. Learn what sinking funds are and how to use them so you can stop worrying about going over budget and rest assured that your irregular expenses will be covered.
Are Budgeting Apps Worth It?
Many money management tasks can be done online now, so you might be wondering if budgeting apps are worth it. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of budgeting apps to figure out if they are right for you.